FGRF is providing you with a training program so that you may acquire the knowledge and abilities you have shown an interest in developing. Digital marketing, e-commerce, Chinese, and the ins and outs of freelancing are all covered in detail at introductory-level workshops. Moreover, you might take advantage of the opportunity to study Chinese. A certificate will be given to each participant after each session. Sign up quickly if you're interested in attending one of the remaining sessions; they cost 3,000/= each, and only a limited number of slots are available.

The skills which you will be learning

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1 Freelancing:

Having the freedom to choose your hours and work from anywhere is a major perk of freelancing. This course is a mandatory element of your training, showing you how to maximize the value of what you've previously learned.

The benefits and drawbacks of freelancing will be discussed in this meeting. Learn more about preparing for a launch, including defining your objectives and crafting persuasive sales presentations. You will learn how to create trustworthy bids and set up automated commitment messages

During this course, you may anticipate learning

1. A Complete Guide to Working on Your Own

2. Pakistan's ability to do business on its own

3. How to Work for Yourself and Find a Job

4. Making a profile to be used on platforms for freelancers

5. The bidding process and project acquisitions

6. How to compete in a saturated market?

2 Learn Chinese language:

This is because Chinese businesses have invested heavily in Pakistan, fostering vital trade and academic exchange networks with their counterparts throughout the country. In order to advance in our careers, we must be able to interact effectively with native Chinese speakers in the workplace and other settings where they may be present. In this session, students whose first language is not Chinese will be evaluated on their ability to utilize Chinese in various contexts, including personal, academic, and professional ones.

Interaction and student-led discussion will be central to the educational experience in this classroom. Talking in Chinese is the first step in your Chinese language education. Students will work to develop their listening and speaking skills in preparation for learning the reading, writing, and speaking of everyday Chinese.

3 Basics of E-Commerce Business:

This workshop will provide you with the knowledge of legislation and technology required to establish and manage an online business in Pakistan. All the essentials for operating a successful online store will be covered, and participants will leave with the knowledge to put their newfound skills to use. Those with no experience in online business and no technical knowledge can benefit greatly from this training. Those with background knowledge searching for a dependable means to increase their clientele could also get anything from this

The instructor will provide the students with the tools and guidance they need to launch their online storefront. The first step is for the group to acquire the knowledge necessary to import or source items with a high probability of success. Then, they'll learn to create an e-commerce platform from scratch and enhance their clients' shopping experiences.

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to launch and manage successful online stores catering to the Pakistani consumer market. They'll get an understanding and proficiency in e-commerce, allowing them to earn a living in this field. This will help them become more economically self-sufficient and reduce their reliance on outside resources.

Once you've completed this workshop, you'll have gained the following knowledge:

1. Example of a business that sells things online and does well

2. Starting up an online business on the Pakistani market

3. Taking Baby Steps Towards Complete Financial Freedom

4. Digital marketing:

This workshop will provide you with the knowledge of legislation and technology required to establish and manage an online business in Pakistan. All the essentials for operating a successful online store will be covered, and participants will leave with the knowledge to put their newfound skills to use. Those with no experience in online business and no technical knowledge can benefit greatly from this training. Those with background knowledge searching for a dependable means to increase their clientele could also get anything from this

This training focuses on teaching participants how to strategically develop digital marketing campaigns that use many digital channels as part of a cohesive whole. To begin, a foundational digital marketing plan is established, and from there, trainees are provided with a toolkit for developing and delivering digital products and marketing them online.

This training is designed for company owners, freelancers, job seekers, professionals, students, and stay-at-home moms. You are likely familiar with and use the internet if you own a computer or a smartphone. It makes perfect sense to start generating money online by learning how to promote yourself or your company. Starting in digital marketing? This course will show you the ropes. If you believe it's a good idea, it will also educate you on becoming an expert in digital marketing and start generating money by building your own company.

During this course, you may anticipate learning the following

• Social Media Strategy

• Content Marketing

• Search Engine Optimization

• Web Traffic Analytics

• Content Creation

• Creative Designing

• Digital Communication

• In-bound and Out-bound Marketing

• Google Analytics

• Search Engine Marketing